The Gospel for Every Unchurched Village

The Gospel for Every Unchurched Village

There are still thousands of villages in North India that have no gospel witness.  These are unchurched villages where, for the most part, the inhabitants have never even heard of Jesus Christ, let alone the salvation He offers.  We are focused on reaching thousands of unchurched villages with the gospel, and planting churches all along the way.

This is being accomplished by full-time indigenous evangelists and church planters devoted to seeing the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ understood, and to seeing the new believers discipled in the ways of Jesus Christ.  It will take many additions to our indigenous ministry teams to accomplish the task.  Many additional evangelists and church planters can be added as believers from many churches and various denominations catch the vision to become prayer and financial partners with us.
We are also seeking alliances with other ministries to more rapidly fulfill the vision of seeing every unchurched village reached with the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ.

We have teams of evangelists/church planters that work in the harvest fields.  These teams minister the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ in unchurched villages, establishing regular discipleship groups, or "cottage meetings",  for the new believers.  Eventually, one part of the team will stay behind to pastor these new believers, or another shepherd will be appointed, as the team moves on to evangelize in a new area.  As many of these teams are added over the next few years, it becomes possible to reach every unchurched village with the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ. 

You can be part of this historic work of seeing a vibrant, worshipping church rise up as these bold indigenous believers aggressively take the gospel to their own people.  New team members can be added as you partner with us prayerfully and/or financially.      

As we move forward, the following are some thoughts to ponder for everyone considering joining us in spreading the gospel to thousands of unchurched villages:
  • "Jesus Loves Every Person".  Every person in every village.  Jesus Christ died for the sins of every person, and rose again to give each individual everlasting, abundant life.  Jesus Christ gave His all, and lives to give abundant life to all.  Will we give, so each person will hear the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ?  Will we live for what Jesus Christ gave everything for?
  • Every generation brings a whole new cycle of people that Jesus Christ gave His life for.  We must be committed to no less than reaching every village with the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ each and every generation.  This is the task of our generation, to reach every village with the gospel.  And this is the task of the generation that follows.  Let us serve God in the raising up of a valiant people who will continue taking the gospel to the next generation.  The harvest workers for a time yet to come will rise out of the harvest at hand.
  • Let us not become sidetracked or trapped in a corner by limiting ourselves to filling a church building in every village.  If we build a building for each 2,000-member village, and fill the building with 200 people, we have destined ourselves to being limited to reaching 10% of the people.  If we expect to always be the minority, and strategize to always be the minority, then we will always be the minority, confined to a corner.  We must be committed to influencing an entire village by meeting in public places, and by meeting in homes throughout each village that will draw in the neighbors in every area of the village.  Thus it becomes the responsibility of not a few, but of the general indigenous body of Christ to reach and influence entire villages, entire districts and the entire region with the gospel, as the homes of believers everywhere are opened up, in the rich tradition of the villagers, to bring their neighbors into fellowship with Jesus Christ.
  • So where do we start?  On our knees in prayer!  On our faces in worship!  As we worship, our hearts are opened up to God's purposes and our passion becomes His passion.  And as we pray, the hearts of others will be prepared and opened up to the One and Only Living God.  Then, filled with the passion of God, we make plans and take action to advance the gospel to every village, every person, in our generation.
  • All those involved with spreading the gospel to every unchurched village, let us rise with fresh passion, fresh vision and fresh zeal, to reach the lost that Christ died for, and to usher in the life that Christ offers today.
  • Today there are thousands of villages in the areas we are working that have no healthy Christian church in the village.  Most of the people in these villages have never heard the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ even one time.  It is time for us to strategically be about our Father's business of seeking and saving the lost; of making sure that as much as we are able, every one of these villages hears the gospel in our generation.
  • Some villages may totally reject the gospel, sadly justifying the shaking of the dust off our feet.  But where we find believers wanting to follow after Jesus, may we be committed to ongoing discipleship of these new believers in every village possible, one by one, until every receptive village has a living and vibrant witness of Christ.

Join this exciting work of spreading the gospel today!


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