Action Plan

We have implemented a multifaceted plan of action that is literally changing history by proclaiming the Name of Jesus in villages that have never heard His name before!  It begins by fervent prayer and intercession in every aspect of our ministry, and we ask you to join us in this.
Jesus Christ came to seek and to save the lost.  We must urgently do the work of evangelism while we have opportunity, for the time is soon coming when this season in eternity, for evangelism, will be over.  For the love of God compels us..., Jesus Christ died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again. 
To honor Jesus Christ and to see glory and praise brought to Him who alone is worthy of all praise and glory, we are strategizing to reach unchurched villages in this generation.  To reach thousands of remaining unchurched villlages, we have a focused plan of action.
We have evangelism teams that are being deployed to unchurched villages, presenting the saving grace of Jesus Christ over four nights of open-air meetings open to the public, presenting five-day KidsFest events that reach entire families with the Gospel, and many other evangelism events.  These events are immediately followed by focus on discipleship, maintained week after week for the establishment of new dynamic community under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
At each evangelism event, a passionate and powerful gospel message is presented.  Our indigenous ministry teams share the good news of Jesus Christ in a way easily understood by the villagers. 
These events are typically intimate gatherings of about 50-500 attendees.  In contrast to our larger "crusades" of the past, we have found that smaller events are more effective for immediate followup and discipleship.  We are committed to the principle of discipleship wherever we do evangelism, and the planting of new churches if no healthy church exists in the area.  
Our two-fold target for evangelism is (1) those villages that do not have a single healthy church presence, and (2) saturation evangelism where we have churches established that should function as centers for evangelism to their own village and to their neighboring villages.
Our evangelism events are productive!  We are seeing the miraculous hand of God bringing salvation to many.  Tens of thousands of people per year are coming to the foot of the cross, and we anticipate thousands more, month after month, as believers like you join with us in the harvest. 
Church Planting
After each evangelism event, the response from our indigenous team members is immediate.  No time is wasted in developing relationships with new brothers and sisters in Christ.  This means continuing to facilitate weekly meetings with the new believers, and visiting in their homes to pray with them and encourage them in their new walk with Jesus Christ.  Teams are quickly appointed to oversee these new communities and provide teaching and shepherding unto maturity. 
We believe that planting churches is necessary in the growth and development of new believers.  Fellowship, accountability, sound Bible teaching, corporate worship and the ability to use their gifts for the Lord are all absolutely necessary. 
It is the objective in each new community to see elders raised up and appointed, and to see the healthy functioning of indigenous pastors, evangelists, prophets, apostles and teachers, working in a spirit of unity, for the equipping of the entire local body of Christ for the work of service.  Ultimately, indication of maturity will include totally indigenous self-sufficiency with regard to leadership, multiplication and finances.
Buildings used exclusively for church meetings run the risk of limiting of church growth and fostering self-centeredness in the church family.  We focus on saturating a village, a city, a region, rather than on filling a building.  If a physical church center exists, we rejoice in that provision while looking outward toward evangelism and influence on society.
In over 30 years of ministry, we have been successful in planting over 1,200 churches in North India.  More than 1,200 villages now have thriving communities of new believers growing in Christ, thanks to the many who join with us in prayer and financial partnership.  Let's press forward, for there are still thousands more villages to reach that are currently without a vibrant witness for Christ!  
May God be praised from where He's never been praised before!
Leadership Training and Development
Reaching village after village with the gospel means a constant need for more trained leaders for the shepherding of the new believers, for well-balanced Bible teaching, and for the proper development of Christian community.  We are focused on providing on-the-job teaching and training for every one of our ministry team members.  We have high caliber, practical, field-based training programs.  We also have small Ignite Schools of Ministry Training with one-year programs for equipping believers for powerful and effective ministry.  This is a great need, and the prayer and financial partnership of fellow believers is desperately needed for the continuing development of these leadership training programs.
One of the key places where leaders emerge from is in the harvest of new believers.  Our plan is to lead each new believer through a local church based discipleship program.  As the new believers grow in our churches, many of them enter into leadership roles and responsibilities, and the church in these areas is growing into maturity as God raises up leaders and releases gifting to each member of the body.
We seek to edify these people so that they'll have the courage to stand in the face of much adversity.  We seek to equip these people, spiritually and materially, to be effective ambassadors of Jesus Christ.  
We rely entirely on the power of the Holy Spirit to make our ministry teams capable of reaching unchurched villages with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  
Please join us in our multi-faceted effort to see the lost reached with the gospel, new churches established, and a generation of leaders trained to carry on for years to come.  Becoming a prayer or financial partner today is an investment in eternity!               
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